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[Crack HackborZoi-1.0.1

Description: 椭圆曲线Elliptic Curve)加密算法(-Elliptic Curve Elliptic Curve) encryption algorithm (
Platform: | Size: 423936 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Crack Hackjecc-alpha1.1.tar

Description: java写的椭圆曲线加密(ECC)算法源码-java writes the elliptic curve encryption (ECC) calculates the law origin code
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: none | Hits:

[Graph programcrypto51

Description: ECC椭圆曲线算法源代码.Crypto++库的开发者是Wei Dai,非常好,标准的C++模板,不论是学习还是从应用的角度,都是难得的教材。算是提供一个给大家多学习和交流的机会-ECC elliptic curve algorithm source code. Crypto Library is the development of Dai Wei, a very good standard C template, or whether it is learning from the application point of view, is a rare materials. One is to provide the public more study and exchange opportunities
Platform: | Size: 829440 | Author: 舒若 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个unix环境下实现基于身份的PKI系统源码,由stanford大学开发。采用了椭圆曲线密码公钥系统和配对椭圆曲线计算(Tate Pairing),具有非常高的效率.-This is a Unix-based environment PKI identity of the source system, developed by Stanford University. Use of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem matching public key systems and elliptic curve calculation (Tate Pairing), with a very high efficiency.
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: 叶润国 | Hits:

[Crack HackECC (椭圆曲线加密算法) 的源代码c++builder

Description: ECC (椭圆曲线加密算法) 的源代码c++builder,很难得到的源代码-ECC (elliptic curve encryption algorithm) source code c builder, it is difficult to get the source code
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: 李军 | Hits:

[Crack Hackecc2

Description: 这可是目前最流行的椭圆曲线加密算法哟!并且是加密强度比较高的二级算法!-most popular elliptic curve encryption algorithm yo! Encryption strength and is relatively high, the two algorithms!
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李明 | Hits:

[Crack HackECC_1

Description: 椭圆曲线对数问题解决算法源代码,如何生成一个可用的椭圆曲线-elliptic curve logarithm problem solving algorithm source code, how can a generation of Elliptic Curve
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: kanyu | Hits:


Description: 椭圆加密,实现了通过椭圆曲线实现加密,生成密钥对等。-elliptical encryption, achieved through the realization of elliptic curve cryptography, generating key pairs, and so on.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 随风 | Hits:


Description: 实现了椭圆曲线的初始化,并当参数生成后,会对参数a和b进行判断,看是否符合椭圆曲线的要求。-realized the elliptic curve initialization, and when the parameters of the generated will parameters a and b for judgment to see whether they conform to the requirements of elliptic curves.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 随风 | Hits:


Description: 椭圆曲线的生成,以及初始化的一些参数,对以后其他算法起到一定的作用。-elliptic curve generation, and the initialization of some of the parameters, right after the other algorithms play a certain role.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 随风 | Hits:

[Crack HackTinyECC0.3

Description: elliptic curve加密源代码,在最小系统上实现的-elliptic curve encryption source code, in the smallest systems realize the
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 在FPGA上高效实现椭圆曲线加密的硕士论文,时间很新2006年的,有一定的参考价值-In the FPGA on the efficient realization of elliptic curve encryption master
Platform: | Size: 922624 | Author: | Hits:

[Crack Hackellipt2d-1.8

Description: 椭圆曲线加密ECC源代码,使用c++编写。转sourceforge-Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECC source code, the use of c++ Prepared. To sourceforge
Platform: | Size: 1234944 | Author: xcr | Hits:


Description: 椭圆曲线密码系统教程和相关源代码,是非常难得的学术资料-Elliptic Curve Cryptography Tutorial and related source code, it is very rare academic information
Platform: | Size: 526336 | Author: 王袍 | Hits:

[Crack Hackcrypt-0.75

Description: NIST推荐的素域上的椭圆曲线,在密码学领域相当重要。-Su-NIST recommended elliptic curve domain, important in the field of cryptography.
Platform: | Size: 586752 | Author: 王志辉 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsGuidetoEllipticCurveCryptography

Description: 密码学中椭圆曲线的介绍和开发。本文详细介绍了该算法的原理、方法和标准。-Elliptic Curve Cryptography in the introduction and development. This paper describes the principle of the algorithm, methods and standards.
Platform: | Size: 2553856 | Author: wang xi | Hits:

[Crack HackECC

Description: ECC(椭圆曲线密码)的标准C语言设计与实现-ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) standard C language Design and Implementation
Platform: | Size: 183296 | Author: | Hits:


Description: ECC 椭圆曲线加密 算法 -ECC Elliptic Curve encryption algorithm
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: liudayong | Hits:

[Crack Hacksource

Description: ECC实现的原代码,包括椭圆曲线的生成和对文件的加密解密。-ECC to achieve the original code, including elliptic curve generation and the encryption and decryption of documents.
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: | Hits:

[Crack HackECC

Description: 主要针对现有的椭圆曲线密码体制密码域算数算法在实现上强度不易扩展的问题设计适用于不同椭圆曲线密码强度的域算术算法-Mainly for the existing password Elliptic Curve Cryptography algorithm domain counts difficult to realize the intensity of the issue of expansion of the design applied to different intensity of Elliptic Curve Cryptography domain arithmetic algorithm
Platform: | Size: 3524608 | Author: | Hits:
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